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Rebecca Rapp

Rebecca Rapp is General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer of Ascendium Education Group, Inc., in Madison, Wisconsin.  Before Ascendium, Rebecca served as a Dane County Circuit Court Judge and Assistant Attorney General at the Wisconsin Department of Justice and, before moving to Madison, at a law firm and The Children’s Law Center in Washington, D.C.  Rebecca is involved in several access to justice initiatives and organizations including Lawyers for Learners, which connects Wisconsin learners with free help to address legal barriers to education and employment, and Legal Services Corporation board committees and taskforces.  She has received the American Bar Association’s Pro Bono Publico award and the Wisconsin Bar Foundation’s Gordon Sinykin Award of Excellence for her access to justice work.  Rebecca received her law and undergraduate degrees from The University of Chicago and also has a master’s from The University of Oxford and an EMBA from Quantic School of Business & Technology. Rebecca is thrilled to be involved with Frontline Justice and excited to how the community justice worker will expand opportunities both to provide and access vital legal help.